More about Project SCENe

If you are interested in knowing more about Project SCENe here are some links of articles about the project: “Trent Basin project could provide low-carbon model for the future” “Europe’s largest community battery to be installed at Nottingham’s Trent Basin”  “Europe’s Largest Community Battery to be Installed in Nottingham” “Tesla to… Continue reading

Residents Meetings Notes

If you have missed the Trent Basin residents meetings held at the Trent Basin Community Hub on January and April 2017, here are some notes of the subjects discussed. The purpose of the meetings was to explain Project SCENe’s Community Energy proposition. Meeting attendants included some of the Trent Basin Residents… Continue reading

Press release University of Nottingham: “Pioneering community energy pilot underway at Nottingham housing development”

The University of Nottingham published the press release of Project SCENe: “Trent Basin in Nottingham, which current comprises 45 homes, is preparing to install Europe’s largest community battery (2MWh), and solar photovoltaics that will generate, store and distribute energy at a neighbourhood level, and launch a unique energy company for… Continue reading

Energising Communities: How community energy could make your home less reliant on the grid – and help you save money and be greener

By Lucelia Rodrigues, University of Nottingham I am an architect specialised in sustainable design. Through my work, I have met many people who dream of living independently from the national energy grid, dream of generating and owning their own energy. In fact, who wouldn’t want to spend less money and… Continue reading