Project Partners image: University of Nottingham logo

The University of Nottingham (UoN) is a leading international institution that teaches 43,000 students annually and is the number one choice among the UK’s top graduate employers. In the Faculty of Engineering, where the Project SCENe investigators are based, more than 98 per cent of research is of international quality, with 85 per cent graded as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’.
This includes the multi-award winning £2.5M Creative Energy Homes project, which focuses on new ways of providing affordable, environmentally sustainable housing. The project also explores the feasibility of smart-grid and energy storage technologies to meet the next generation of housing energy demand, and its findings will help to inform Project SCENe. The investigators in this project are linked to UoN’s Energy Technologies Research Institute, a leading international centre for multi-disciplinary energy research, with a reputation for excellence across a broad range of technologies including energy storage and electrical grids, with a current energy research grant portfolio in excess of £40M.UoN brings a multi-disciplinary team to Project SCENe.Mark Gillott, Professor of Sustainable Building Design, has over 20 years’ experience in low carbon sustainable energy technologies and sustainable energy design. He is the Research and Project Manager for the Creative Energy Homes project, and has extensive experience in the monitoring and evaluation of buildings.

Lucelia Rodrigues, Associate Professor in Sustainable and Resilient Communities. Her main research focus is on energy use and human behaviour, and she is particularly interested in the resilience of communities and buildings.

Mark Sumner, Professor of Electrical Energy Systems, is currently leading energy research in the areas of demand side management, microgrid stability and the deployment of batteries for energy storage.

Katharina Borsi, Assistant Professor in Urban Design is an architect and urbanist whose research and teaching focuses on the strategic role of architecture in urban change and transformation.

Rabah Boukhanouf, Lecturer in Energy Efficient Technologies, with the focus on applied low carbon heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in the built environment.

Gavin Walker, Professor in Sustainable Energy, is the Director of the University’s Energy Technologies Research Institute. He has taken a leading role in significant energy initiatives within the region.

Julie Waldron, Research Fellow, Community Energy Manager Project SCENe at Trent Basin. Her main research focus is on user engagement and community energy. Her research background is on human behaviour, urban design and built environment.

Dr. Lewis Cameron, Research Fellow, Community Energy Manager, Project SCENe. Research and work focuses on social and technological interactions and development and how methods of co-design and social science informed approaches can improve these and their impacts over diverse scales. He has been the primary social scientist and community interface on the project since November.

The University of Nottingham website website: Blueprint logo

Blueprint is a developer that specialises in the development of sustainable homes and sustainable workspaces. Blueprint is a private limited company wholly owned by Aviva Investors’ igloo Regeneration Fund and Nottingham City Council.
Blueprint has a track record of delivering low energy, design led development projects. Responsible for some of the most critically heralded property developments in the region, Blueprint is the developer behind No.1 Nottingham Science Park, Phoenix Square in Leicester, and Green Street in Nottingham.
Passionate about great design and genuine sustainability, we’re not just about new buildings. We’re about new homes, new work spaces, new opportunity, and new places. We’re about delivering fair financial returns to our investors, the people who help us to make it all happen.

Blueprint website image: URBED logo

URBED (Urbanism Environment and Design Ltd) does what our name suggests. We specialise in urban design and sustainability in an urban context, working across the UK and for public and private sector clients. We have spent 20 years developing ideas of urban sustainability, through programmes like the ‘Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood Initiative’ and working with Blueprint/Igloo to develop the sustainable investment policy footprint®. Our work is united by our core values of urbanism, community, environmental sustainability and design. We are an employee-owned co-operative, comprising urban designers, planners, architects, economists and geographers.
We are urban designers on the Trent Basin masterplan for Blueprint. As such we have a particular insight into how neighbourhood level energy systems may be integrated with urban planning and development in this scheme. We have a cross-disciplinary team and our work spans understanding planning constraints in masterplanning and urban design in developments across the country, to private householder engagement in energy use. This gives us a unique perspective on notions of community energy, meaning we are able to contribute to Project SCENe’s efforts to integrate community energy into this new-build commercial residential development in a way that is beneficial to all – from the developer to individual homeowners.

URBED website image: ATKearney logo

A.T. Kearney is a leading global management consulting firm with offices in more than 40 countries. Since 1926, we have been trusted advisors to the world’s foremost organizations. A.T. Kearney is a partner-owned firm, committed to helping clients achieve immediate impact and growing advantage on their most mission-critical issues.
A.T. Kearney is unrivalled globally in our ability to provide the analytics capability necessary to optimise energy and infrastructure systems.  We now recognize there is a need for this to be applicable in a digital environment. We have risen to the challenge of analyzing multiple and fragmented sources of data and dispatching commands by putting dedicated resources in place to deliver an agile business intelligence and connectivity application ‘HELIOS’. The platform ubiquitously connects to a variety of data sources to harvest all the data that is required to analyse, optimise and automate the implementation of efficiency algorithms in real time and at a regional scale.

A.T. Kearney website image: Solar Ready logo

Solar Ready is an award winning British manufacturer leading the development of sustainable energy technology into the global market place. Our technology reduces the power required in everyday devices and provides unrivalled performance versus any other energy storage solution and distribution product.
Solar Ready has its roots in providing solutions, inventing new products in the technology and IT industries. Although our team are at the forefront of sustainable energy technology, we have a diverse M&E engineering background that bring together integrated solutions that enable us to continually develop our current and future products.

Solar Ready website image: Loughborough University logo

Energy research is one of the strengths of Loughborough University, with 150 academics engaged in energy research across the campus. Their research covers buildings and energy demand, new and renewable energy systems, district and community scale energy systems and transport. These core areas of endeavour are supported by fundamental scientific research and conducted, where appropriate, in collaboration with academics from the social sciences and economics.
Loughborough’s contribution to Project SCENe is being led by staff in the Building and Energy Research Group (BERG) in the School of Civil and Building Engineering. The BERG focusses in areas such as building energy efficiency, the impact of occupants on energy demand, energy systems integration, air quality, energy modelling at the urban and building scale, performance monitoring, and the impacts of climate change. The BERG has expanded rapidly over recent years and now has 11 academic staff and 15 Research Associates (RAs) who, together with others, supervise 36 PhD students.  The Group has excellent laboratory facilities, access to full-scale test houses and thousands of sensors and meters that enable large-scale field trials in domestic and non-domestic buildings.

Loughborough University website image: Stickyworld logo

Stickyworld develops online stakeholder communications and participation technology. The Stickyworld platform makes it easy to involve wide groups of people in making better products, services, buildings, places or cities together.
Our vision is to enable a world where it is common practice to involve people in designing products, services, buildings and places. This is a world where it easy to learn about, shape or manage the very things we all use everyday, together, and where supporting this essential activity simply makes good business sense.

Stickyworld website image: Smartklub logo

Smartklub‘s aim is to switch cities on to new, collaborative ways of powering themselves. We make city energy projects happen in the increasingly complex world of smart and renewable energy. SmartKlub connects cities, citizens and suppliers in new ways that creates innovative energy projects.
Every city, community, citizen and project is unique. We create local understanding of the landscape by listening and co-creating what works for each city, place and community. Whether it’s the creation of Energy Service Companies (ESCOs); group buy energy efficiency projects; citizen and local supplier co-creation of Community Energy schemes; or affordable Financing, SmartKlub has better and cheaper ways of working to help build resilient communities.SmartKlub is proud to be a partner in Project SCENe where we are responsible for the setup and design of the ESCO serving the Trent Basin development. We are also lead partner on another Innovate UK sponsored project in Milton Keynes called CAPE (Community Action Platform for Energy). The CAPE project is an exciting example of SmartKlub turning its beliefs into a community collaboration platform that every community wants to join. The CAPE website can be accessed at

Smartklub website

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